1,578 research outputs found

    Extremal Black Holes, Stueckelberg Scalars and Phase Transitions

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    We calculate the entropy of a static extremal black hole in 4D gravity, non-linearly coupled to a massive Stueckelberg scalar. We find that the scalar field does not allow the black hole to be magnetically charged. We also show that the system can exhibit a phase transition due to electric charge variations. For spherical and hyperbolic horizons, the critical point exists only in presence of a cosmological constant, and if the scalar is massive and non-linearly coupled to electromagnetic field. On one side of the critical point, two extremal solutions coexist: Reissner-Nordstr\"{o}m (A)dS black hole and the charged hairy (A)dS black hole, while on the other side of the critical point the black hole does not have hair. A near-critical analysis reveals that the hairy black hole has larger entropy, thus giving rise to a zero temperature phase transition. This is characterized by a discontinuous second derivative of the entropy with respect to the electric charge at the critical point. The results obtained here are analytical and based on the entropy function formalism and the second law of thermodynamics.Comment: 20 pages, no figures; Appendix added, formulas corrected, discussion extende

    As infinitas máscaras da cidade

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    Com este estudo, tenho por objetivo o resgate das iniciativas realizadas nas décadas de 1980 e 1990 por grupos de teatro de Florianópolis que se serviram do sentido simbólico e monumental de espaços de tipologia não-italiana, componentes do patrimônio histórico e cultural dessa cidade, para a composição da obra de arte teatral

    Motion clouds: model-based stimulus synthesis of natural-like random textures for the study of motion perception

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    Choosing an appropriate set of stimuli is essential to characterize the response of a sensory system to a particular functional dimension, such as the eye movement following the motion of a visual scene. Here, we describe a framework to generate random texture movies with controlled information content, i.e., Motion Clouds. These stimuli are defined using a generative model that is based on controlled experimental parametrization. We show that Motion Clouds correspond to dense mixing of localized moving gratings with random positions. Their global envelope is similar to natural-like stimulation with an approximate full-field translation corresponding to a retinal slip. We describe the construction of these stimuli mathematically and propose an open-source Python-based implementation. Examples of the use of this framework are shown. We also propose extensions to other modalities such as color vision, touch, and audition

    O lúdico na educação infantil como facilitador de aprendizagem

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Educação, 2013.O presente estudo tem por objetivo identificar como o lúdico influencia no aprendizado, em especial nos alunos da Educação Infantil. O processo de aprendizagem faz parte do ser humano, e a criatividade faz com que aquele processo se desenvolva a partir de novos experimentos. Tem-se então, no lúdico, uma forma de estimular e transformar a assimilação do conhecimento em um processo prazeroso. A abordagem do lúdico na aprendizagem das crianças e os tipos de jogos e brincadeiras adotados pelos professores da Educação Infantil foi o tema investigativo desta pesquisa qualitativa alicerçada nos fundamentos de autores como Kishimoto, Santos, Piaget e Vygotsky. A pesquisa de cunho qualitativo, foi desenvolvida por meio de um questionário aplicado para quatro professores formados em Pedagogia e atuantes na Educação Infantil. Os resultados sinalizam para uma compreensão do lúdico como metodologia facilitadora e promotora de aprendizagens, e mais que isso, se trata de formas de práticas pedagógicas onde o aluno aprende se divertindo. ____________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis study has the objective of identifying how whimsical methods influence education, specially when it comes to Elementary Studies. The learning process is part of the human being, and creativity is responsible for developing this process through new experiments. Stimulating and assimilating knowledge through a whimsical process then becomes a fun task. This topic - utilizing creative, whimsical tools for teaching kids through games and other small challenges - was the focus of this qualitative research based on findings by authors like Kishimoto, Santos, Piaget e Vygotsky. The research was developed and applied through a questionnaire for Elementary teachers and professionals that act in this specific area. The results allow us to understand creative, whimsical teaching processes as a facilitating method of education that promote learning amongst young children through the one thing they enjoy the most: having fun

    Uso de la herramienta excel como recurso para el control de costos y presupuesto para la sección de interventoria Gomez Zuluaga Villegas en la obra fontanar centro comercial

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    El presente trabajo realizado para la sistematización de la práctica se ejecutó en la empresa Gómez Zuluaga Villegas en el Área de Interventoría para el proyecto Fontanar CC, donde se diseñó un sistema de control de costos y presupuesto que basó en el trabajo previamente entregado en la práctica profesional generando un punto de partida para la elaboración del diseño de control de costos, el objetivo principalmente fue cumplir las necesidades del cliente, en este caso el constructor; se identificaron los diferentes factores influyentes en el control (gastos), para lograr una precisa supervisión del avance de obra en cuanto a costos y presupuesto. La metodología utilizada para recopilar la información fue mediante observación directa, consulta y el aprendizaje adquirido durante la práctica profesional. Se presenta como resultado un sistema de control de costos y presupuesto el cual consiste en un programa realizado en Excel conformado por varias hojas de Cálculo relacionadas de tal manera que se tenga una base de datos de lo facturado, asegurado y aprobado para que por medio de formulaciones coincida con lo presupuestado y controlar el avance de obra contra, avance de costos y avance en el presupuesto; todo con el fin de lograr el objetivo y que este sirva para controles futuros en diferentes obras

    Remuneration, Personnel Expenses and Third Party Expenses in Times of Covid-19 in the Financial Sector

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    The objective of this research was to determine the statistically significant differences between the semiannual percentages of salaries, personnel expenses and third party expenses of the Peruvian financial sector during the “COVID-19” pandemic. The percentage of administrative expenses of 46 financial entities in Peru was analyzed, and in what proportion they invested in favor of their collaborators; As a result, in terms of remuneration, the Municipal Savings Banks invested in a greater proportion (50.69%), regarding personnel expenses, the Municipal Savings Banks stand out with 16.8%, and in terms of third-party payments, the financial entity that invested the most was Edpymes with 42.30%. Likewise, through the Kruskal Wallis test it was obtained that there are no statistically significant differences in remuneration, payment of personnel and payment to third parties among financial entities in Peru (p value> 0.05). It is concluded that the semester percentage variation in time of COVID-19 with respect to the first semester 2019 has had a minimal change (+ 1.20%. In salaries, -1.6% in personnel payments and -0.05% in third party expenses)

    Incêndio da alma A Dramaturgia das Radionovelas

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    Este artigo debate alguns procedimentos e características da escrita dramatúrgica das peças radiofônicas formatadas como radionovelas, cuja ocorrência se registra a partir da década de 1930 em países da America Latina, tais como Cuba e Brasil. Suas origens literárias, a definição do formato, os procedimentos de escrita do texto dramatúrgico aplicado ao ambiente radiofônico, e o desenvolvimento desse gênero a partir da décadas de 1930, serão alguns dos pontos aqui trabalhados. This article discusses some procedures and characteristics of dramaturgical writing radio plays formatted as soap operas, whose occurrence is recorded from the 1930s in Latin American countries such as Cuba and Brazil. Its literary origins, the de nition of the format, procedures written text dramaturgical applied to the radio environment, and the development of this genre from the 1930’s, here are some of the points worked

    Minha cidade e o "velho casarão da Pereira Oliveira"

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    Este artigo compõe um estudo que destaca o principal espaço de teatro de Florianópolis como monumento arquitetônico referente ao patrimônio histórico e cultural dessa cidade, e algumas das diversas destinações que ele teve ao longo do século XX